Friday, December 19, 2008


Something is seriously wrong with this article. The Tennessee lady Vols lost all 5 starters to the WNBA last season. They are starting off fresh. They have lost to Virginia and to Texas already this season and have yet to look impressive in any aspect of the game. So, after reading this article, I think whoever wrote it should be fired for having biased judgement on the team. As a sports writer, commentator, anything... you cannot have a favorite or least favorite team! Clearly this author thinks the Vols are from heaven.

First of all, they lost to Texas by 14 their last game and dropped out of the top 10 ranking for the first time in 211 weeks. So they play ODU, who is unranked and sucks... and the headline states that they are back to their winning ways... um, wait. The score was 81-76. That's hardly a win, and if beating an unranked team by 5 is something to brag about, I feel sorry for Pat Summitt. Oh those Vols... winning by 5 again! What talent! Way to win!

"Old Dominion (5-3) got 17 points from Tiffany Green and 14 from Jasmine Parker, but couldn't overcome a major size deficiency as the Lady Vols outrebounded them 56-58." Hmm, how is outrebounding a team by 2 anything to boast about??? A major size deficiency only allowed them 2 more rebounds?? Wow, that's ridiculous. I've heard of teams, like Uconn, who outrebound teams by 10 or 20... but 2? That's incredible.

What a horrible article.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sugar Overload

According to this article,, sugar may be as addictive as cocaine! Wow. This is by far the stupidest study I've ever seen.

What they did was, starve rats for 12 hours, then gave it sugar for the next 12 hours for 3-4 weeks. Um, I think if I was food deprived for 12 hours, I'd be crazy too. They're saying that the rats went through withdrawals after the 3-4 weeks. Duh, come on now. Conclusion: This is why people have eating disorders? I think not. "After three weeks, the rats showed signs of withdrawal similar to those seen when people stop smoking or drinking alcohol or using morphine." I'm pretty sure most people don't live their lives not eating for 12 hours and then bingeing on sugar. And if they do, it's not because of a disorder, it's because they're stupid.

"The researchers speculated that some of these brain changes may also occur in people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, although more research needs to be done to confirm the effects in humans." So, in other words, this is bullcrap to humans. I think I want to become a doctor and do these studies for MSN. Oh wait, I'm not 5 years old.

This is the dumbest article I've ever read. If you have an eating disorder, it's because of sugar according to this study. Sugar should be banned. But only if you starve yourself for 12 hours and then eat nothing but things loaded with sugar. Arg, I don't get it. Who didn't know that sugar was addicting? So is food. So is everything in life if you are deprived from it, then given a lot of it for 3 weeks... Super Duh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Not too impressed with the stats listed in this article... but hey, I guess it's some progress!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Put on a blanket cause...

Headline on MSN: Job market is awful, but may get worse, Sharp jump in unemployment shows the economy is rapidly weakening

Oh no. What are we gonna do? I had no idea the economy was bad... Should I be running around like a chicken with its head cut off?!

What are we supposed to do with news like this? It's as if jobs are gonna be swept out from under our feet and we should start stapling ourselves to the floor. Should we call everyone we know and tell them that the unemployment rates are going up in the next year, the worse it's been in 34 years? Is this really news? Take a look around!! Obviously, no one is or else this wouldn't be newsworthy... A big DUH for this one.


The big debate today on MSN is whether or not this time of the year should be called the "holidays" or "Christmas".

It's like the politically correct way to highlight that there are other religions out there other than Christianity. Kinda like how it's policially correct to call professionals "person" instead of "man", ie, mailperson, fireperson... I think that those who have a problem with either term should just use the other. No big deal! But, the problem now is saying these phrases in stores! Dear Lord!

Some lady is going to different stores trying to get them to say, "Merry Christmas". I can just see the employee meeting teaching them how to say other phrases other than that one.

One lady says, “I just oppose people saying that their God is better or the only one. And I get that mostly at Christmas". Mostly? Um, ok. And I don't think people are going around saying, "Merry Christmas, by the way my God is better, haha!". The whole reason behind Christmas is because of Christ being born... If you're not for that, suck it up man! Don't go shopping! It's the general expression for the season. Santa is not real and we see him everywhere! Just because you don't believe in him, do you go around punching fake ones in their faces and saying that they are trying to be superior? Get over yourself. Stay in your house and hang up your stupid decorations or lack there of for whatever God you praise or inanimate object of your choice. Truth be told, most people celebrate Christmas because it's fun! I know of a few people who are Jewish who have a tree and celebrate both holidays. How about Atheists? I'm pretty sure babies who don't know who God is yet don't go around folding their arms in protest of their mommies and daddies saying, "Merry Christmas!". Hell, black people created their own holiday to celebrate! They still believe in God though... Kwanzaa is just to celebrate something out of the norm of society. How many people do you know of celebrate their own holidays?? Christmas is in there, one way or another. Gift giving, decorating, carols... all made up for Christmas.

Here's an error: "Wal-Mart, Kohl’s and Target all recently brought back or bumped up their Christmas-friendly language. The word “Christmas” can be seen throughout the web sites of all three retail chains, either in marketing themes or product descriptions: “Your one stop Christmas shop,” “Christmas ribbons” and “Christmas décor.”" If it has red and green, santa, bells, mistletoe... chances are it's for Christmas anyway... why would you call it "holiday" ribbons or decor?? If you want Jewish decorations, go in the Hanukkah section!

This guy has it right... "What we’re hoping to do is provide a shopping guide. Consumers would just like to understand that retailers know that the reason they’re buying presents this time of year is because it’s Christmas, not an unspecified winter holiday." Exactly.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


MSN today has an article titled, "Study: Autism costs strain family finances". This is compelling news because before this article, I thought that raising a kid with other chronic disorders was a lot harder.

A hermit living in a tube under the ocean floor could have figured this one out. Who would have thought that health care costs to raise a kid with a disorder was going to cause strain on family finances?! Not me, that's for sure.

"They pay more for their kids' health needs, spend more time providing or arranging for that care, and are more likely to have money difficulties, the study found." Gosh, all that money that people give to Autism foundations and this is the kind of study they do? This is all they've figured out?

"Jacquie Mace, whose 12-year-old son, Austin, has autism, said the study presents a "very realistic" picture of the challenges affected families face." Who gives a shit? Like a parent raising their autistic child needs a study to cope with these issues. They live it every day!

"Autism typically involves poor verbal communication, repetitive behaviors such as head-banging, and avoidance of physical or eye contact. Affected children often need many more types of treatment than kids with other chronic conditions, including speech and behavior therapy and sometimes medication. Kogan said that may explain the disproportionate strain on their families." Kogan is a genius. How did he come up with that idea? And it's still not even conclusive. It may explain it. They are gonna do another study later to see if it is in fact true by ignoring them for 3 months and see which is harder and costs more.

Please, rush to the newsstands on Monday because the study will be appearing in December's Pediatrics.