Friday, December 19, 2008


Something is seriously wrong with this article. The Tennessee lady Vols lost all 5 starters to the WNBA last season. They are starting off fresh. They have lost to Virginia and to Texas already this season and have yet to look impressive in any aspect of the game. So, after reading this article, I think whoever wrote it should be fired for having biased judgement on the team. As a sports writer, commentator, anything... you cannot have a favorite or least favorite team! Clearly this author thinks the Vols are from heaven.

First of all, they lost to Texas by 14 their last game and dropped out of the top 10 ranking for the first time in 211 weeks. So they play ODU, who is unranked and sucks... and the headline states that they are back to their winning ways... um, wait. The score was 81-76. That's hardly a win, and if beating an unranked team by 5 is something to brag about, I feel sorry for Pat Summitt. Oh those Vols... winning by 5 again! What talent! Way to win!

"Old Dominion (5-3) got 17 points from Tiffany Green and 14 from Jasmine Parker, but couldn't overcome a major size deficiency as the Lady Vols outrebounded them 56-58." Hmm, how is outrebounding a team by 2 anything to boast about??? A major size deficiency only allowed them 2 more rebounds?? Wow, that's ridiculous. I've heard of teams, like Uconn, who outrebound teams by 10 or 20... but 2? That's incredible.

What a horrible article.

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