Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sugar Overload

According to this article,, sugar may be as addictive as cocaine! Wow. This is by far the stupidest study I've ever seen.

What they did was, starve rats for 12 hours, then gave it sugar for the next 12 hours for 3-4 weeks. Um, I think if I was food deprived for 12 hours, I'd be crazy too. They're saying that the rats went through withdrawals after the 3-4 weeks. Duh, come on now. Conclusion: This is why people have eating disorders? I think not. "After three weeks, the rats showed signs of withdrawal similar to those seen when people stop smoking or drinking alcohol or using morphine." I'm pretty sure most people don't live their lives not eating for 12 hours and then bingeing on sugar. And if they do, it's not because of a disorder, it's because they're stupid.

"The researchers speculated that some of these brain changes may also occur in people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, although more research needs to be done to confirm the effects in humans." So, in other words, this is bullcrap to humans. I think I want to become a doctor and do these studies for MSN. Oh wait, I'm not 5 years old.

This is the dumbest article I've ever read. If you have an eating disorder, it's because of sugar according to this study. Sugar should be banned. But only if you starve yourself for 12 hours and then eat nothing but things loaded with sugar. Arg, I don't get it. Who didn't know that sugar was addicting? So is food. So is everything in life if you are deprived from it, then given a lot of it for 3 weeks... Super Duh.

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